Please join me in saying hello and welcome to Jennifer
It was a real pleasure to catch up with Jennifer, our new Factory Administrator, earlier this month. She shared some great insights into her role and also shared a little tip… which I will definitely be using from now on.
We hope you enjoy finding out more about her and everything she does at Petrarch. I certainly did.
When did you join the team Jennifer?
I’ve been with Petrarch around about 8 weeks now.
And how are you finding it?
It’s good. I mean, it has been full on shall we say, but good. There has been a fair bit to learn, but everyone has been really supportive in helping me find my feet.
Tell me about your role. What kind of day-to-day tasks are involved in your position as Factory Administrator.
As Factory Administrator, I’m mainly responsible for managing all internal purchasing for the factory and the company as a whole. I also carry out various administrative tasks for the factory such as running payroll and dealing with HR matters.
The role is actually quite varied and at times quite fast-paced, but I tend to thrive under pressure.
What has been your biggest highlight so far?
I would say the people. Everyone has been really welcoming and supportive, which for me has been a blessing as I’ve just returned to Hastings having spent a few years away.
What would you say have been the biggest challenges?
The biggest challenge, hmmm. I think getting to grips with managing new systems and processes. The software took me some time to master. Also the change in hours. Where I was working before I started very early and so my working day was done not much past lunchtime. I was also on-site quite a lot, so the change in hours and being in the office full-time has taken a bit of adjustment.
What did you do before Jennifer?
I was in project management, so I’m used to juggling multiple tasks and managing expectations. I’ve always enjoyed working in fast-paced work settings.
What skills have you learned that you didn’t have before?
I wouldn’t necessarily say I’ve learned anything new in terms of my skillset. New systems and processes yes. But the role certainly allows me to improve the skills I already have.
Out of interest, what would you say are your key strengths?
I’m quite an open-minded person and so I’m very flexible with my approach to problem solving.
What would be your top tip for anyone in a role similar to yourself?
I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts that allow me to type to faster. However, over time I suppose we can pick up bad habits. One of mine was to automatically hit send as soon as I’ve finished typing an email, especially when I’ve been working to a tight deadline.
To overcome this, I always leave the recipient field blank until I’ve finished typing my email. This way, I can avoid accidentally sending an email before checking for any spelling or grammatical errors.
Brilliant idea, I’ll be doing that Jennifer. I can’t begin to tell you how many times on an email I’ve hit send too quickly.
And what about outside of work? What do you like to do?
Most weekends I’m usually catching up with friends and walking my dogs. I also do quite a lot of shooting. I’ve grown up with it. My Dad introduced me to the sport when I was young and I’ve been hooked ever since.
That sounds fantastic and not something I would have imagined you did. What dogs do you have?
I have two Cocker Spaniels, Bert (7) and Ivar (1). They are my absolute world.
Is it too early to say what’s next for you at Petrarch?
To be honest, yes. I am still finding my feet and want to ensure I’m doing the job to the expectations of my seniors before I take on additional responsibilities, but I’m definitely keen to progress. I really like the company and can see myself doing well here.
That sounds great, and very positive. Well, I’d like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with me. Your pet dogs are beautiful, and you’re not bad either! 😉