Petrarch Reconstituted
Stone Cladding
Unlock the potential Petrarch reconstituted stone rainscreen panels – facades carefully manufactured to perform. Tried, tested and trusted for over 50 years, Petrarch cladding panels blend superior aesthetics and exacting performance. Plus with a colour palette of over 1500 shades, 4 contrasting textures and custom options, Petrarch stone cladding really does offer so much design potential, regardless of your project sector.
Discover the Possibilities
Intrinsic strength & beauty Petrarch cladding panels
Petrarch reconstituted stone panels boast a beauty that’s more than skin deep. Highly durable and impact resistant, it is considerably lighter than natural stone systems. An excellent alternative to GRC cladding, Petrarch is extremely weather resistant – designed to withstand the most severe environmental conditions, and just like natural stone, Petrarch matures over time, giving character and depth to any architectural scheme. It is also intrinsically strong, boasting an A2-s1,d0 reaction to fire rating (EN 13501).