APS continues to provide a complete cladding solution
Happy New Year from all the team at Architectural Panel Solutions. We have said it already, but think everyone could do with a little positivity given the latest government updates.
A new year always has its challenges, but this covid situation continues to make us feel a little bit like the trekking group in this image.
However, we’d like to take the time to reassure our customers and employees that it is business as usual for Architectural Panel Solutions as a key construction product manufacturer. We’ll be continuing to supply our clients with a comprehensive facade and framing solution, backed by excellent technical support.
What’s more, as our Petrarch reconstituted stone cladding is manufactured here in the UK, you can still be assured of our reliable turn-around times too.
If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch info@petrarchpanels.com
For more information re the latest government updates, please check out the government website here, https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home
and as always great bulletins from Construction Buzz – https://news.ukconstructionweek.com/en/article/95043?utm_source=Mailjet-ukconstructionweek&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=ukconstructionweek-2988-s-en-050121
All the best, and stay safe during this latest lockdown. We can get through these challenges together!
Take a look at some of our latest Petrarch projects here